Declaration Of The Organizing Committee for a Maoist Communist Party.

We are the only ones who can get at the monster’s heart without subjecting the world to nuclear fire. We have a momentous historical role to act out if we will. The whole world for all time in the future will love us and remember us as the righteous people who made it possible for the world to live on. If we fail through fear and lack of aggressive imagination, then the slaves of the future will curse us, as we sometimes curse those of yesterday. I don’t want to die and leave a few sad songs and a hump in the ground as my only monument. I want to leave a world that is liberated from trash, pollution, racism, nation-states, nation-state wars and armies, from pomp, bigotry, parochialism, a thousand different brands of untruth, and licentious usurious economics. – Field Marshal George Jackson, 1970


The United States of the year 2017 finds itself a dying empire, torn apart both from within and without. We see uprisings like those in Ferguson and Baltimore, rebellion of the indigenous people of this continent at Standing Rock, and a pseudo-fascist megalomaniac mogul at the White House. This is after nearly 300 years and a continued pattern of robbery, rape, murder, theft, kidnap, torture, and destruction waged by this wicked country of settlers upon the people of the entire world. In sum, it’s time for America to die, to perish in the fires of Protracted People’s War, to be ripped apart, to liberate the oppressed nations within and remove the burden of Yankee Imperialism that has played havoc with billions of lives from Venezuela to the Philippines to the entire continent of Africa to the Middle East, so that the people of the world can live. Who shall do it? Who shall develop it, lead it, and carry it through to the very end, meaning the destruction of the old way and the development of socialism and cultural revolution on through to Communism? A revolutionary Communist Party, comprised of the vanguard elements of those who have nothing to lose, the class we know as the proletariat. The proletariats of the New Afrikan, Chicano, Boricua, Hawai’ian, and other indigenous/oppressed/colonized/generally fucked over and doubly/triply exploited people, particularly women, are who will build the party and make the revolution. Labor aristocrats making $30 and $40 an hour sitting in yellow unions are not proletarians. Cops are certainly not proletarians. They have shit to lose. Until they lose it, and all or most of it, they are not revolutionary. Scattered and feuding bands of overwhelmingly white and petit-bourgeois leftists who decided to pick up some books one day, who substitute ultra-leftist posturing, practical anarchism with a red cloak to draw the attention of others of their class background and type, and willful isolation for patient, thorough mass work specifically tailored and designed for the conditions facing the American proletariat and other exploited classes today will not build a party and will not make a revolution. They will build cliques and cults and will make either burnout and disillusionment or at the very best attention of negative type. We know this, because we’ve been through, witnessed and rejected it. So, how will such a party be built? Through putting aside our petty spats and quarrels, coming together on a principled basis, and building/linking up both Marxist-Leninist-Maoists in all segments of the country and non-Maoist comrades and formations who have a material interest in the destruction of this system of capitalism-imperialism, the building of genuine international solidarity, and the construction of a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Party, a People’s Army led by said party, and a United Front that comprises all who seek the destruction of the capitalist-imperialist system that promotes, encourages, and offers nothing but brutality, suffering, exploitation, and death.

What is Marxism-Leninism-Maoism? It is the science, ideology, theory and practice of the proletariat the world over. Synthesized by the Communist Party of Peru in the late 1980s, it encompasses the historical experience of class struggle of the proletariat, the lessons learned from the Chinese and Soviet socialist construction processes, and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution of 1966-1976. It teaches us that revolution is not a simple matter of “seizing the means” or taking over a certain building, or wiping out a few officials here and there, revolution is a serious matter and a serious thing that takes decades, and does not end with the seizure of power by a Communist Party. The Communist Party of the Philippines, declared in 1968, has been making revolution for 50 years. The Chinese Revolution led by the Communist Party of China lasted from 1927 to 1949. The Russian Revolution was a protracted process, though not a protracted people’s war in the Maoist understanding. The Indian, Turkish, and Nepalese revolutions are ongoing. If all of these parties seized state power tomorrow by some odd stroke of luck, they would still need to wage cultural revolution to advance towards communism, to defeat modern revisionism and its handmaidens, and secure and advance the gains of the revolution and broaden/deepen the socialist system. Maoism teaches us that protracted people’s war is the only way to make revolution. Maoism also teaches us that we must reject copying and pasting other experiences, recycling failed lines and practices, and consistently and constantly and thoroughly sum up our experiences to develop and advance the revolution. Maoism teaches us the necessity of criticism and self-criticism, not to attack and belittle, but to advance and develop. Throw out and rectify the bad, advance the good. In the organization, in the mass movement, in the individual. Reject and repudiate petit-bourgeois, lumpen-proletarian and bourgeois thought and practice, replace it with proletarian. This is the purpose of criticism and self-criticism.

What is the purpose of the OC-MCP? To link up and unite all Maoists who can be united with in the interests of the revolution and the people, to build and develop each branch’s mass work practice, to engage in principled and thorough unity-struggle-unity in the interests of advancing the utmost task of building a real Party. What is a real Party? As opposed to a paper party, a real Party is seen as being the vanguard of the masses and in particular the masses of the proletariat by the masses themselves. The Party is everywhere, leads all heavy struggles and minor struggles, represents the iron and disciplined will of the best and brightest of the proletariat, particularly those of oppressed nations, because this is who comprises the vast majority of the proletariat in the United States. We also seek to link up with comrades who may not be Maoist but are conducting work that is essential to the well-being and development of the mass movements and mass struggle. OC-MCP cadre participate in mass struggles of all types, are present in all types of institutions and struggles, from colleges and universities to unions, building Maoism and building mass movements under Maoist leadership, and seek to build a party that is the same. Let’s get it done.